"I can calculate the motions of
heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people."
--- Isaac Newton
Throughout history, one topic appears again
and again - How to make money quickly!
In 1720, the whole of England became
involved with The south sea bubble as is well-known.
The direct cause of this event is that as
the House of Lords passed the South Sea Bill, their shares immediately increased
to 10 times their value, speculation ran wild and all sorts of companies, some
lunatic, some fraudulent or just optimistic were launched. The country went
wild, stock prices increased in that period, and huge capitals were made at
that time.
In 1718, England government has amounted to around
30 million pounds national debt. In order to ease the financial stress, the
government made a bold decision, selling the equity of the south sea company to
the public. After that, under the government's connivance, the management of
south sea company started to hype their stock, creating illusions of grandeur
in the minds of investors and shareholders. In a short period of time, the south sea company issued increasingly
equities to the market, results were the only thing that mattered to south sea company’s
stock was balloon, even Isaac Newton had invested the
south sea company shares over 20,000 pounds. During that amazing time, it was extremely
fashionable to own south sea company equities.....